RCUI raised 755 € for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and transferred it to Rotary Club Plaza de la República for the healthcare staff in Mexico. The equipment was successfully delivered to the healthcare staff.

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads throughout the world, the healthcare systems have proven to be crucial, as well as one of the weakest links in efforts to save lives. This is even more extreme in developing countries, such as Mexico. 

In Mexico, the public healthcare system cannot supply personal protective equipment (PPE) to all its healthcare workers, making them vulnerable to COVID-19. By April 13, 2020 over 500 healthcare workers were infected, and at least 9 died due to COVID-19 according to news reports.

Rotary Club Utrecht International supported health care personnel in The Netherlands. It was time to help healthcare personnel abroad. For this project, we partnered with the Mexican Rotary Club Plaza de la República, to provide PPE for health care professionals in 3 public health system hospitals in Mexico City. 

Here is Rotary Club Plaza de la República’s letter to us for RCUI’s contribution to the project:

Protecting the Healthcare Staff Project in Mexico